朱健教授1994年毕业于英国阿伯丁大学,获生物化学荣誉学士学位。1998年获得英国帝国理工学院分子细胞生物学博士学位。之后在美国斯坦福大学医学院完成博士后训练。2006年在美国凯斯西储大学医学院和克利夫兰医学中心建立实验室,先后任助理教授、副教授。2013年全职回国,现任bat365中文官网登录入口教授,北大-请华生命科学联合中心研究员。朱健教授长期从事在细胞分化、形态建成和成体稳态中起关键作用的信号转导网络调控机制的研究。以形态建成以及肠道和生殖干细胞为研究模型,鉴定出多个调控Hedgehog、Hippo、Notch、Wnt等主要发育信号转导通路的关键因子,从多角度和多层次揭示这些发育信号调控干细胞命运决定与分化、个体发育以及成体稳态维持的分子机制。近年来,通过建立衰老、肿瘤(肝癌和胶质瘤),以及代谢性疾病(脂肪肝和肥胖)果蝇和小鼠模型,系统探究了器官衰老、癌症发生以及代谢性疾病的发病机制和潜在治疗手段。朱健教授曾获得人类前沿科学计划、英国帝国癌症研究基金会、美国Berry Foundation for Children’s Health、美国心脏协会、NIH R01、自然科学基金面上和重点项目、科技部重大研发等基金资助,美国癌症学会研究学者奖和美国出生缺陷基金会(March of Dimes Foundation) Basil O’Connor 青年学者奖。2017年入选基金委杰出青年科学基金。
2000 - 2005,博士后,发育生物学,Stanford University School of Medicine, USA
1994 - 1999,博士,分子细胞生物学,Imperial Cancer Research Fund Laboratories / Imperial College London, UK
1990 - 1994,理学荣誉学士,生物化学,University of Aberdeen, UK
2021 - 至今,bat365中文官网登录入口副院长
2020 - 2022,北京大学科学研究部副部长(挂职)
2018 - 至今,北京大学博雅特聘教授
2017 - 至今,细胞增殖与分化教育部重点实验室副主任,常务副主任(2021-)
2013 - 至今,北京大学-清华大学生命科学联合中心,研究员
2013 - 至今,bat365中文官网登录入口,研究员、长聘教授(2022-)
2006 - 2014,Cleveland Clinic Lerner Research Institute / Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine,助理教授、副教授(2012-2014)荣誉奖励:
2023 北京大学优秀班主任
2022 北京大学优秀博士学位论文指导教师
2021 北京大学教学成果一等奖
2021 教育部2021年度基础学科拔尖学生培养计划2.0优秀教师奖
2021 北京市普通高校优秀本科毕业设计(论文)优秀指导教师
2021 北京大学优秀德育奖
2019 bat365中文官网登录入口东宝奖教金
2019 北京大学教学优秀奖
2018 北京大学唐立新奖教金教学名师奖
2018 北京大学优秀班主任
2017 国家杰出青年科学基金
2017 北京大学教学优秀奖
2009 Research Grant Award, National Institutes of Health
2007 Research Scholar Award, American Cancer Society
2007 Basil O`Connor Starter Scholar Award, March of Dimes Foundation
2006 Scott Hamilton CARES Initiative Award for Cancer Research
2001 Walter & Idun Berry Foundation for Children`s Health Postdoctoral Fellowship
1999 Human Frontier Science Program Long-term Postdoctoral Fellowship
1994 Imperial Cancer Research Fund Postgraduate Studentship学术任职:
2023 - 至今,bat365中文官网登录入口学术委员会委员
2023 - 至今,细胞增殖与分化教育部重点实验室学术委员会委员
2023 - 至今,海洋生物多样性与进化教育部重点实验室学术委员会委员
2021 - 至今,北京大学第 12 届学位评定委员会生命科学分会主席
2021 - 至今,中国动物学会发育生物学专业委员会委员
2017 - 至今,细胞增殖与分化教育部重点实验室副主任
2017 - 至今,中国海洋大学海洋生物多样性与进化研究所学术委员会委员
2014 - 至今,北京细胞生物学会理事杂志任职:
Journal of Genetics and Genomics 编委
National Science Review 生物学科编辑工作组杂志编辑:
Journal of Genetics and Genomics;
National Science Review执教课程:
本科生 发育生物学(主讲)春季学期
本科生 整合科学实验IV(主讲)春季学期
研究生SLS项目 现代生物学基础理论 (下) (主讲)春季学期
研究生SLS项目 文献深度分析讨论 (下)(主讲)春季学期
研究生SLS项目 现代生物学试验技术原理及其应用(讲课)秋季学期
研究生SLS项目 科学研究规范训练(讲课)秋季学期
研究生CLS项目 发育生物学基础(主讲)秋季学期
研究生CLS项目 高级发育生物学(主讲)秋季学期 发育、衰老与代谢疾病的调控机制
1. He, T.*, Fan, Y.*, Du, J., Yi, M., Li, Y., Liu, M.# and Zhu, A. J.# (2023) Stuxnet fine-tunes Notch dose during development using a functional Polycomb response element. Development 150: dev201297. doi: 10.1242/dev.201297
2. Zhao, W.*, Zhang, Y.*#, Lin, S., Li., Y., Zhu, A. J., Shi, H.# and Liu, M.# (2023) Identification of Ubr1 as an amino acid sensor of steatosis in liver and muscle. Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia and Muscle 14: 1454–1467. doi: 10.1002/jcsm.13233
3. Zhang, Y.*, Lin, S.*, Peng, J.*, Liang, X., Yang, Q., Bai, X., Li, Y., Li, J., Dong, W., Wang, Y., Huang, Y., Pei, Y., Guo, J., Zhao, W., Zhang, Z., Liu, M.# and Zhu, A. J.# (2022) Amelioration of hepatic steatosis by dietary essential amino acid-induced ubiquitination. Molecular Cell 82: 1528-1542. doi: 10.1016/j.molcel.2022.01.021
4. He, T.*, Fan, Y.*, Wang Y., Liu, M.# and Zhu, A. J.# (2022) Dissection of the microRNA network regulating Hedgehog signaling in Drosophila. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 10: 866491. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2022.866491
5. Liu, M.*, Su, Y.*, Peng. J. and Zhu, A. J.# (2021) Protein modifications in Hedgehog signaling. BioEssays 43: 2100153. doi: 10.1002/bies.202100153. (Cover featured article).
6. Zhang, Y.*, Teng, D.*, Lu, W.*, Liu, M.*, Zeng, H., Cao, L., Southcott, L., Potdar, S., Westerman, E. L., Zhu, A. J.# and Zhang, W.# (2021) A widely diverged locus involved in locomotor adaptation in Heliconius butterflies. Science Advances 7: eabh2340. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abh2340. (Cover featured article).
7. Zhao Z.*, Zhao, X.*, He, T., Wu X., Lv P., Zhu A. J. and Du, J.# (2021) Epigenetic regulator Stuxnet modulates octopamine effect on sleep through a Stuxnet-Polycomb-Octb2R cascade. EMBO Reports 22: e47910. doi: 10.15252/embr.201947910
8. Liu, M.*, Liu, A.*, Wang, J.*, Zhang, Y., Li, Y., Su, Y.# and Zhu, A. J.# (2020) Competition between two phosphatases fine-tunes Hedgehog signaling. Journal of Cell Biology 220: e202010078. doi: 10.1083/jcb.202010078
9. Wang, L. C., Liao, L. X.,, Lv, H.N., Liu, D., Dong, W., Zhu, A. J., Chen, J. F., Shi, M. L., Fu, G., Song, X. M., Jiang, Y., Zeng, K. W.# and Tu, P. F.# (2017) Highly selective activation of heat shock protein 70 by allosteric regulation provides an insight into efficient neuroinflammation inhibition. EBioMedicine 23: 160-172.
10. Du, J.*, Zhang, J.*, He, T., Li, Y., Su, Y., Tie, F., Liu, M., Harte, P. J. and Zhu. A. J.# (2016) Stuxnet facilitates the degradation of Polycomb protein during development. Developmental Cell 37: 507-519 (Cover featured article).
Commented in Developmental Cell, Science China Life Sciences, and F1000Prime.
Karch, F. (2016) Stuxnet recruits the proteasome to take down Polycomb. Developmental Cell 37: 485-486.
Wu, X. (2016) Stuxnet detected, Pc breaks down. Science China Life Sciences 59:1202-1203.
11. Liu, M.*, Li, Y.*, Liu, A., Li, R., Su, Y., Du, J., Li, C. and Zhu, A. J.# (2016) The exon junction complex regulates the splicing of cell polarity gene dlg1 to control Wingless signaling in development. eLife 5: e17200.
12. Zhang, J., Du, J., Lei, C., Liu, M. and Zhu, A. J.# (2014) UBPY controls the stability of the ESCRT-0 subunit Hrs in development. Development 141: 1473-1479.
13. Geisbrecht, E. R., Sawant, K., Su, Y., Liu, Z., Silver, D. L., Burtscher, A., Wang, X., Zhu, A. J. and McDonald J. A.# (2013) Genetic interaction screens identify a role for Hedgehog signaling in Drosophila border cell migration. Developmental Dynamics 242: 414-431.
14. Zhang, J.*, Liu, M.*, Su, Y., Du, J. and Zhu, A. J.# (2012) A targeted in vivo RNAi screen reveals deubiquitinases as new regulators of Notch signaling. G3 Genes Genomes Genetics 2: 1563-1575 (Cover featured article).
15. Su, Y.*, Ospina, J. K.*, Zhang, J.*, Michelson, A., Schoen, A. M. and Zhu, A. J.# (2011) Sequential phosphorylation of Smoothened transduces graded Hedgehog signaling. Science Signaling 4: ra43.
Commented in Science Signaling.
VanHook, A. M. (2011) Fine-tuning Hedgehog signaling in development and disease. Science Signaling, 4: eg10.
16. Du, J.*, Zhang, J.*, Su, Y., Liu, M., Ospina, .J. K., Yang, S. and Zhu, A. J.# (2011) In vivo RNAi screen reveals neddylation genes as novel regulators of Hedgehog signaling. PLoS ONE 6: e2416.
17. Huang X., Suyama, K., Buchanan, J., Zhu, A. J. and Scott, M. P.# (2005) A Drosophila Model of the Niemann-Pick type C lysosome storage disease: dnpc1a is required for molting and sterol homeostasis. Development 132: 5115-5124.
18. Zhu, A. J. and Scott, M. P.# (2004) Incredible journey: How do developmental signals travel through tissue? Genes & Development 18: 2985-2997 (Cover featured article).
19. Hwa, J. J.,* Zhu, A. J.,* Hiller, M. A., Kon, C. Y., Fuller, M. T., Santel, A.# (2004) Germ-line specific variants of components of the mitochondrial outer membrane import machinery in Drosophila. FEBS Letter 572: 141-146 (* Co-first author).
20. Zhu, A. J., Zheng, L., Suyama, K. and Scott, M. P.# (2003) Altered localization of Drosophila Smoothened protein activates Hedgehog signal transduction. Genes & Development 17: 1240-1252 (Cover featured article).
Commented in Current Biology, and F1000Prime.
van den Heuvel, M. (2003) Hedgehog signaling: off the shelf modulation. Current Biology 13: R686-R688.
21. Zhu, A. J. and Watt, F. M.# (1999) β-Catenin signalling modulates proliferative potential of human epidermal keratinocytes independently of intercellular adhesion. Development 126: 2285-2298.
22. Zhu, A. J.*, Haase, I.* and Watt, F. M.# (1999) Signaling via β1 integrins and mitogen-activated kinase determines human epidermal stem cell fate in vitro. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 96: 6728-6733.
23. Zhu, A. J. and Watt, F. M.# (1996) Expression of a dominant negative cadherin mutant inhibits proliferation and stimulates terminal differentiation of human epidermal keratinocytes, Journal of Cell Science 109: 3013-3023.
董 巍、刘 敏、冯婧
博士后:张乐冰、张延松(博雅博士后)、范 昱 (博雅博士后)、林思远 (博雅博士后)
研究生:黄 颖 (SLS)、王 洁 (SLS)、亓 淼 (PTN)、杨 琪 (SLS)、李锦华 (SLS)、王 尧 (SLS)、徐 滢 (SLS)、杨 迪 (SLS)、孟心瀚 (PTN)、苏 桐 (SLS)、李常清 (SLS)、程启翔(PTN)、李逸之 (4+4)