Cell-Cycle-Targeting MicroRNAs as Therapeutic Tools against Refractory Cancers
Apr. 29, 2017

Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis Maps Development of Human Germline Cells and Gonadal Niche Interactions
Apr. 28, 2017

Sap1 is a replication-initiation factor essential for the assembly of pre-replicative complex in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe
Apr. 27, 2017

Direct Visualization of RNA-DNA Primer Removal from Okazaki Fragments Provides Support for Flap Cleavage and Exonucleolytic Pathways in Eukaryotic Cells
Apr. 27, 2017

Derivation of Pluripotent Stem Cells with In Vivo Embryonic and Extraembryonic Potency
Apr. 07, 2017

The Super Elongation Complex Drives Neural Stem Cell Fate Commitment
Mar. 28, 2017

Single-Cell 5-Formylcytosine Landscapes of Mammalian Early Embryos and ESCs at Single-Base Resolution
Mar. 25, 2017

The Arabidopsis RING-Type E3 Ligase TEAR1 Controls Leaf Development by Targeting the TIE1 Transcriptional Repressor for Degradation
Mar. 18, 2017

Noncanonical role of Arabidopsis COP1/SPA complex in repressing BIN2-mediated PIF3 phosphorylation and degradation in darkness
Mar. 16, 2017

Inflammasome Activation Triggers Caspase-1-Mediated Cleavage of cGAS to Regulate Responses to DNA Virus Infection
Mar. 15, 2017