D-Serine made by serine racemase in Drosophila intestine plays a physiological role in sleep
May 08, 2019

Long-term functional maintenance of primary human hepatocytes in vitro
Apr. 26, 2019

Detection of Colorectal Cancer in Circulating Cell-Free DNA by Methylated CpG Tandem Amplification and Sequencing
Apr. 25, 2019

Somatic LINE-1 retrotransposition in cortical neurons and non-brain tissues of Rett patients and healthy individuals
Apr. 15, 2019

Reconstruction of Dynamic and Reversible Color Change using Reflectin Protein
Mar. 29, 2019

TCP4 and PIF3 antagonistically regulate organ-specific light induction of SAUR16/50 to modulate cotyledon opening during de-etiolation in Arabidopsis
Mar. 29, 2019

Optimizing genome editing strategy by primer-extension-mediated sequencing
Mar. 26, 2019

A Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Sensor for Rapid and Specific In Vivo Detection of Norepinephrine
Mar. 26, 2019

Cryo-EM Structure and Assembly of an Extracellular Contractile Injection System
Mar. 22, 2019

Structures of the ISWI-nucleosome complex reveal a conserved mechanism of chromatin remodeling
Mar. 22, 2019