A fluorescent sensor for spatiotemporally resolved imaging of endocannabinoid dynamics in vivo
Nov. 12, 2021

Noncoding loci without epigenomic signals can be essential for maintaining global chromatin organization and cell viability
Nov. 04, 2021

Sensing of cytoplasmic chromatin by cGAS activates innate immune response in SARS-CoV-2 infection
Nov. 04, 2021

Increasing the efficiency and precision of prime editing with guide RNA pairs
Oct. 29, 2021

RAG2 abolishes RAG1 aggregation to facilitate V(D)J recombination
Oct. 13, 2021

T6SS translocates a micropeptide to suppress STING-mediated innate immunity by sequestering manganese
Oct. 09, 2021

PmiREN2.0: from data annotation to functional exploration of plant microRNAs
Sep. 27, 2021

Prey partitioning and livestock consumption in the world’s richest large carnivore assemblage
Sep. 22, 2021

Structural insight into the mechanism of energy transfer in cyanobacterial phycobilisomes
Sep. 19, 2021

The genetics and evolution of eye color in domestic pigeons (Columba livia)
Sep. 11, 2021